PrAT "Ukrainian Processing Center" (UPC) together with the PROSTIR team successfully completed integration testing of the PROSTIR e-Secure e-commerce transaction protection technology in two areas: issuance and acquiring.
The timely implementation of the PROSTIR e-Secure technology ensures that PROSTIR participants comply with the requirements of the Ukrainian Law "On Payment Services" and the Regulation on Authentication and the Use of Strong Authentication in the Payment Market, as well as the requirements of the National Payment System Operator "PROSTIR".
Banks that use UPC services can implement PROSTIR e-Secure without conducting additional testing directly with the National Payment System "PROSTIR", significantly speeding up and simplifying the process of technology integration on the bank's side.
The PROSTIR e-Secure technology provides PROSTIR cardholders with protection during online transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized transactions, and improving the overall user experience.
The PROSTIR team expresses its gratitude to the UPC colleagues for the successful completion of the implementation work.